FLOW, a back to essentials with swinging details rock band based in Thailand got tired of 15 inch ...
EmPad repeats first success at Royal City Avenue in Bangkok, Thailand. Hot on the heels of the ru...

Look Thung is by far the most popular grassroots local Thai Music style, with a crowd of 25,000 pax ...
EmPad system of choice for seasoned Bangkok club management. Late November 2004 the Morgan entert...
Believe it or not, EmPad just successfully completed another install at Royal City Avenue in Bangkok...

Two brand new EmPad CC35 line arrays provided the muscular rock power at the recent 1st of May holid...
M150, a major player in the power drink market in Thailand chose emPad for their nationwide 2004/200...

On the 2nd of August 2003 Tawandaeng Brewery, located on Rama 3 Road in Bangkok Thailand, expanded w...