FLOW, a back to essentials with swinging details rock band based in Thailand got tired of 15 inch with horn compromises and switched over to emPad.

Early in 2003 FLOW Selected a small club size live touring system consisting of 2 pcs B7 mid/high and 1 pc B315 low cabinets powered by 1 emPad DXA2400 amplifier and 1 pc emPad ESP224 controller.

FLOW first formed as a touring band doing concerts in Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand. After their initial tour they decided to keep up a good thing and record some of the songs Rick has written over the years and that had received exposure with their band.

All flow band members currently live in Bangkok where they conduct a detailed plan to conquer most if not all places on this planet with their unique live shows. FLOW are set to embark on their "roots tour".

Are they happy with their choice to select emPad?

A quote from FLOW's "the Breez" -Roland says it all:

"Your system makes us sound like Gods. We are seriously turning heads."
We at emPad wish FLOW all the best with their future career and we are very happy to be part of their success.